The McQuaig Self-Development Survey® is a behavioural assessment tool used to increase personal effectiveness, enhance leadership development and support career counseling. It provides people with specific action items to help leverage their strengths and minimize their developmental areas.
How does it work?
The Self-Development Survey generates a comprehensive, self-directed report that is also an ideal coaching tool. It can be used for any of the following:
•Greater self-awareness
•Increasing personal effectiveness
•Enhancing leadership development
•Supporting career counselling
How do I get the results?
•Through McQuaig On-Line®, you will receive an extensive report complete with Personal Action Plan worksheets. As well, individual employees (or your entire team) can attend our seminar, Maximizing Your Personal Effectiveness.
Who completes the Self-Development Survey?
•Any individual who is interested in developing a behavior-based personal development plan for current or future roles. If the person has an existing McQuaig Word Survey Report on file, their Word Survey data can be used to generate a separate Self Development Survey by any of the McQuaig Certified administrators in your organization.
What can I expect from the report?
The Self-Development Survey report will give you the information you need to:
•Identify the natural style of behaviour of current employees, including their leadership style and management potential.
•Clear direction to motivate and coach the right people in the right way.
•Retain top performers by training and coaching more effectively.
•Determine your employee's "hot buttons" and how each employee will fit into your team.