Profile The Job

The McQuaig Job Survey® helps you define and benchmark the behavioural requirements for any position. It also provides a list of interviewing and reference-checking questions to help you access relevant examples from the candidate's past experience.

How does it work?

You can use The Job Survey to: 

• Reach consensus quickly on the behavioural demands of the job.

• Accurately describe the temperament of the "right" person.

• Create a management benchmark for the job.

• Compare a candidate's behavioural profile to the job profile benchmark.
Get a list of targeted, job-specific behaviour-based interviewing questions to help you access relevant examples from the candidate’s past experience.

How do I get the results?

Our web-based assessment system, McQuaig On-Line®, gives you an extensive behavioural job assessment that identifies behavioural demands and temperament required for the position. Get targeted, behaviourally-based interview questions to assess each candidate's experience in direct relation to the position.

Who completes the Job Survey?

• The direct supervisor(s) of the position.

• The incumbent who's leaving the position.

• The human resource professional(s) responsible for staffing the position.


What can I expect from the report?

• Statistically validated measurement of the behavioral demands of the job

• Detailed narrative description of the required key behavioral competencies, prioritized for high performing success

• Behavior-based interview questions, generated by the statistical correlations for success in the role.



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